Friday, November 16, 2012

Daily Log: 11/16/12

Sammie's Daily Log- November 16

Daily Summary: (Items in bold are forecasted, and will be updated throughout the day)

Overall, today was an excellent day.
Sammie was in a great  mood with occasional bouts of fussiness in the morning due to fatigue.
I (Mom or Dad) was in a tired but happy mood.
The weather was beautiful, but wet with melting snow.


  • Wake Up Time: 6:00 am (slept 9.5 hours)
  • Nap Time: 12:35pm until 3pm (~2.5 hours)
  • 'Bed' Time: Aiming for 9pm. 
  • Notes: Woke up from nap very happy and refreshed and very interested in playing with mommy. No TV between nap time and dinner time, only french holiday music. 


  • Breakfast: 2 eggos and water
  • Snack: Banana, eaten in full; juice/water cup. 
  • Lunch: PBJ, half eaten. Half a yogurt. Dry cheerios.
  • Snack: some crackers, some dried cheerios. Refused grilled cheese. Ate Peaches/Carrots/Applesauce at the table, no high chair (with left hand). 
  • Dinner: Mac and Cheese (trying with 1/3 can tuna)- SUCCESS!!
  • Snack: Cheerios in milk
  • New foods introduced: Attempt at grilled cheese and at turkey. Neither was well received.
  • Notes: Sammie doesn't seem to like the multigrain bread at all. Only buy whole wheat or white from now on. 

Key Activities for the day:

  • Social Time: Visit with Erie, Tara and Tobin from 9am until 1230pm.
  • Mom/Dad Time: Mom/Sam time from 6 am until 9am, and again from 3pm onwards. Dad was out of town on business. 
  • Mamelie Time:
  • Quiet Time: After naps- Sat and read "Moo, Baa, La La La" together three times. Sammie smiled at the Cow and at the Dogs, but was distracted by the tv (which was still on Treehouse from the playdate earlier). Played train puzzle with mom on the dining room table, taking turns. Sat on mom's lap while colouring. Mom coloured with green, Sammie coloured with pink. Sam also made pretend trains with some puzzle pieces and other toys, despite having real trains easily available. 
  • Outdoor Time: Approx 30 minutes. He got wet and cold, because of the melting snow. 
  • TV Time: AM:  Less than 1hour (Thomas, Waybuloo, My Big Big Friend during playdate); 30 minutes during dinner prep (background Treehouse- he was not closely watching it). 
  • Interactive IPAD/Computer Time: Approx 30 mins. Games for toddlers (Fisher Price, Seasame Street.) 
  • Notes: Sammie LOVED the Sesame Street peekaboo app.  He laughed out loud every time a character jumped on the screen. After watching Mom control the characters with the keyboard, Sammie decided to take over and pushed the buttons himself.  Before dinner time, Sammie engaged in at least 15 minutes of back and forth "My turn, Sammie's Turn" play with block building. He sat beside mom, and waited his turn while she placed blocks.  


  • Favourite "Sound" of the Day
    • 'Roger Rabbit' style lip play (BRRR! BRRR!)- both when happy and sad. Also, some humming, some "v" and "b" sounds. Squeals when excited. 
  • Favourite Activity of the Day:
    • Lots of running in the morning, but quiet 
  • New words or sounds observed: "B" consonant when asking to nurse. Two word sentences seem more effective at getting his attention: "Sam, down", "Sam, No.", "Want Water?", etc.
  • New activities or play observed
    • Decided to play with blocks when he observed Tara and Tobin playing with blocks. Stayed close to them, but turned his body away from them. Was very interested in everything that Tara was doing and chose to do the same things on several occasions (drawing, playing with ball). Struggled over toy sharing with Tobin. Was very tired and moody during playdate. 
    • Made trains out of non-traditional toys, despite having access to trains. 
    • Sat and listened to a story quietly for over 5 minutes. Smiled at certain sections and turned pages.  
    • Very engaged with computer Peek A Boo game- understood the concept and engaged with the characters. 
    • Very engaged back and forth play with the blocks.
  • New gestures or signs observed: No new but rare: Sammie used the "no" head shake to indicate that he did not want juice at that time.
  • Notes: Sammie was very interested in doing activities together and seems to be enjoying having more direct mom-sam time. He was very quiet most of the day, but did vocalize more when was happy or unhappy.  Sammie hit three major milestones today: non-verbal conversation using blocks, putting on his own boots, and eating tuna for the first time in over six months! (See blog post:

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