Saturday, November 24, 2012

Daily Log Nov 24

Sammie's Daily Log

Daily Summary:

Overall, today was a super fun day.
Sammie was in a very happy mood.
Mom and Dad were in great moods.
The weather was beautiful!

Daily Notes: Today was a huge day for Sammie. Lots of activity, lots of signs of growth.  His receptive communication skills seem to be exploding, and he responded favourably to almost all simple commands. He is showing more and more signs of imitating behaviour, is engaging more and more in social play with Mom/Dad/Mamelie and is absolutely seeking touch, comfort and affection on a more continuous basis. This was Sammie's most "normal toddler" day so far.  This might also have been one of my top favourite parenting days of all time. (Zita)


  • Wake Up Time: 740am
  • Nap Time: 1230pm-3pm
  • 'Bed' Time: 10pm
  • Notes: Fought napping until we discussed "driving him down", at which point he had a change of heart and went down very easily.  Went to bed at 915pm, but had a HUGE poo at 945pm and let us know by squawking. Fell asleep very shortly after his diaper change. 


  • Breakfast: 2 eggos, water
  • Snack: Grapes (about a cup), 1/2 cup cheese crackers, 4 graham crackers
  • Lunch: PBJ, Water
  • Snack: Fries, sippy cup of apple juice, handful of chips
  • Dinner: Oatmeal with Mamelie
  • Snack: N/A
  • New foods introduced: Re-introduced graham crackers- successful. 
  • Notes: Didn't have lunch until after nap. Oatmeal was post swim. 

Key Activities for the day:

  • Social Time: Exploring the Enjoy Centre with Mom and Dad- really seemed to enjoy watching people and seeing all the sights. 
  • Mom/Dad Time: All day. Today was a very family focused day, starting with an hour of "Daddy" time in the am, sledding, Enjoy Centre and an evening swim. 
  • Mamelie Time: About an hour from just after 8 until just after 9. 
  • Quiet Time: very little quiet time. Kept to himself for the first 15 or so minutes at Mamelie's, possibly to decompress. 
  • Outdoor Time: 45 minutes of sledding.
  • TV Time: 1 Waybuloo, 1 Thomas (less than 1 hour), half hour video with Mamelie.
  • Interactive IPAD/Computer Time: N/A
  • Gross Motor Time: Sledding (45 mins), swimming (45 minutes)
  • Notes: A particularly busy day- may need some extra "down time" tomorrow. 
  • Favourite Sound of the Day:  Lots of laughing today- unusual amounts. Blowing raspberries and "Vuh" sounds. 
  • Favourite Activity of the Day: Enjoyed blowing bubbles at the YMCA, seemed to enjoy sledding, LOTS of laughing from downstairs at Mamelie's. 
  • New words or sounds observed: Nothing 'new' though he may have repeated "Vuh" when were talking about his 'sounds', and may have said "mom" on the way out of the YMCA. (it was for sure a 'muh' sound, which we haven't heard a lot lately.)
  • New activities or play observed:  Introduced rolling balls back and forth in tunnel (mom and dad assisted), introduced sledding (successful!), enjoyed crawling up onto the water mats and throwing himself into the water (from the mat, from the side of pool, and from our arms), learned to blow bubbles at the pool (after watching Mom and Dad do it several times, he attempted on his own and was overjoyed by the result). Also still very interested in trying out Mom and Dad's shoes, and now their hats. Tried to wear Daddy's hat unprompted. Removed Mommy's hat and attempted to put it on his head. Helped Daddy wash his hair in the shower (this is a first. Usually Sammie fights having his hair washed).  Loves slides, including at park, at Enjoy Centre and at swimming pool. 
  • New gestures or signs observed: Lots of "Up" gestures today. Did a "hand reach" when he wanted me to give him my hand, blew "half" a kiss (brought hand to mouth after being shown how but did not move hand away immediately).  Fewer "no" head shakes, but mostly because he was in a particularly cooperative mood. 
  • New behaviours observed: Wanted to hold hands us with us, socially, even when walking.  Was much more cooperative about having his nose cleaned, and his hair washed. 
  • New friends or social activities observed: Seemed keenly interested in the strangers around his at the Enjoy Centre. Loved looking at the little girls at the YMCA- Sammie sure loves his women. 
  • Notes: Sammie appears to have taken to using sounds (sing-song hums) to express joy as well as laughing out loud. Was in a particularly "smiley" mood today, including smiling at strangers. Seemed interested in other people. Also laughed out loud at Waybuloos when they were growling. Also, Sammie LOVES snow. Loves it. Daily outdoor time should be a priority.  Very little to no "random running" or "random spinning" today, and no shirt chewing at all. Still loving exploring the tunnel. 

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